Thursday 24 July 2014

Digital Filters in C#/Silverlight (Part 5b - more Butter)

Well, the last post was fun. One last little tidy up and we're ready to move on. In the lpf function we need to complete tying things up by setting the coefficients into the Iir filter as follows:


With that done, we can now make the usual other complementary functions - hpf, bpf, bsf for high-pass, bandpass and bandstop. I'm not going to go into the theory of making these prototype functions and pole/zero placement in this post, but will come on to that later. Let's keep with code for the moment.

High-pass (hpf)
Following a similar procedure to that for lpf, the function is realised as follows:

        // fcf is the cutoff frequency in Hz
        public void hpf(double fcf, int order)
            double nfcf = fcf / PcmStreamSource.SampleRate; // normalised corner frequency

            Debug.Assert(nfcf > 0 && nfcf <= 0.5); // greater than 0 and less than Nyquist

            List<Complex> poles = getPoles(order);

            // get warped freq
            double w1 = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Tan(Math.PI * nfcf) / Math.PI;

            ComplexPlane splane = new ComplexPlane();
            splane.zeros = new List<Complex>();
            splane.poles = new List<Complex>(new Complex[order]);

            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                splane.poles[i] = w1 / poles[i];
                splane.zeros.Add(new Complex(0, 0));

            ComplexPlane zplane = splane.BilinearTransform();

            TransferFunction transferfunction = zplane.getTransferFunction();

            Coefficients coeffs = transferfunction.getCoefficients();

            double gain = transferfunction.getGainAt(new Complex(-1,0)); //gain at Nyquist

            // normalise the gain by dividing coeffs.b by gain


This generates some good-looking sample graphs for different orders with the corner frequency again at 10kHz.

Bandpass (bpf)
This time we need to set two frequencies for the upper and lower frequencies

        // fcf1 and fcf2 are the two cutoff frequencies in Hz. fcf1 < fcf2
        public void bpf(double fcf1, double fcf2, int order)
            double nfcf1 = fcf1 / PcmStreamSource.SampleRate; // normalised corner frequency
            double nfcf2 = fcf2 / PcmStreamSource.SampleRate; // normalised corner frequency

            Debug.Assert(nfcf1 > 0 && nfcf1 <= 0.5); // greater than 0 and less than Nyquist
            Debug.Assert(nfcf2 > 0 && nfcf2 <= 0.5); // greater than 0 and less than Nyquist
            Debug.Assert(fcf1 < fcf2);

            List<Complex> poles = getPoles(order);

            // get warped freq
            double w1 = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Tan(Math.PI * nfcf1) / Math.PI;
            double w2 = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Tan(Math.PI * nfcf2) / Math.PI;

            double w0 = Math.Sqrt(w1 * w2);
            double bw = w2 - w1;

            ComplexPlane splane = new ComplexPlane();

            splane.poles = new List<Complex>(new Complex[order * 2]);
            splane.zeros = new List<Complex>();

            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                Complex hba = poles[i] * (bw / 2.0);
                Complex temp = Complex.Sqrt(1 - Complex.Pow(w0 / hba, 2));
                splane.poles[i] = hba * (1 + temp);
                splane.poles[order + i] = hba * (1 - temp);
                splane.zeros.Add(new Complex(0, 0));

            ComplexPlane zplane = splane.BilinearTransform();

            TransferFunction transferfunction = zplane.getTransferFunction();

            Coefficients coeffs = transferfunction.getCoefficients();

            double centrefreq = (nfcf1 + nfcf2) / 2.0;
            Complex w = Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(1, 2 * Math.PI * centrefreq);
            double gain = transferfunction.getGainAt(w); // gain at centre freq

            // normalise the gain by dividing coeffs.b by gain


Which looks like this for a bandpass with the lower frequency at 8kHz and the upper frequency at 12kHz.

Note, this has double the number of poles/zeros for the same order of filter compared to lpf or hpf.

Bandstop (bsf)
And finally a bandstop function:

        // fcf1 and fcf2 are the two cutoff frequencies in Hz. fcf1 < fcf2
        public void bsf(double fcf1, double fcf2, int order)
            double nfcf1 = fcf1 / PcmStreamSource.SampleRate; // normalised corner frequency
            double nfcf2 = fcf2 / PcmStreamSource.SampleRate; // normalised corner frequency

            Debug.Assert(nfcf1 > 0 && nfcf1 <= 0.5); // greater than 0 and less than Nyquist
            Debug.Assert(nfcf2 > 0 && nfcf2 <= 0.5); // greater than 0 and less than Nyquist
            Debug.Assert(fcf1 < fcf2);

            List<Complex> poles = getPoles(order);

            // get warped freq
            double w1 = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Tan(Math.PI * nfcf1) / Math.PI;
            double w2 = 2 * Math.PI * Math.Tan(Math.PI * nfcf2) / Math.PI;

            double w0 = Math.Sqrt(w1 * w2);
            double bw = w2 - w1;

            ComplexPlane splane = new ComplexPlane();

            splane.poles = new List<Complex>(new Complex[order * 2]);
            splane.zeros = new List<Complex>(new Complex[order * 2]);

            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                Complex hba = (bw / 2.0)  / poles[i];
                Complex temp = Complex.Sqrt(1 - Complex.Pow(w0 / hba, 2));
                splane.poles[i] = hba * (1 + temp);
                splane.poles[order + i] = hba * (1 - temp);

                // 2n zeros at +-w0
                splane.zeros[i] = new Complex(0, w0);
                splane.zeros[order + i] = new Complex(0, -w0);

            ComplexPlane zplane = splane.BilinearTransform();

            TransferFunction transferfunction = zplane.getTransferFunction();

            Coefficients coeffs = transferfunction.getCoefficients();

            double dcgain = transferfunction.getGainAt(Complex.One); // gain at dc
            double hfgain = transferfunction.getGainAt(new Complex(-1,0)); // gain at hf
            double gain = Math.Sqrt(dcgain * hfgain);

            // normalise the gain by dividing coeffs.b by gain


Which looks like this:

Note, this has double the number of poles/zeros for the same order of filter compared to lpf or hpf.

That's a full complement of useful filter functions with the Butterworth characteristic.

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